6 Places to Eat in San Francisco (with Gluten-free and Vegetarian Suggestions)

We are so excited to share where we ate in San Francisco because everything we had there was so delicious! On our Lyft ride to the airport on our way back home, we had made a list of our favorite restaurants, so we dug out our travel notebook and are ready to share! San Francisco was one of the most expensive places we’ve ever been to, especially the food! Everything we had was delicious, but it did hurt the budget a little bit. We wish we had been a little more prepared in that sense. 

Kitchen Story

We met up with one of Nick’s friends for brunch and he suggested Kitchen Story. The wait was very long - the line was way out the door! It was worth it though, and was honestly one of the best meals we had. They, and other restaurants in the area, serve the famous Millionaire’s Bacon. We had never heard of it before so Nick had to try some! It’s spicy, sweet, and really thick! I ordered a Coco Cappuccino - espresso mixed with sweet coconut cream and topped with toasted coconut! It was hands down the best cappuccino I’ve ever had. If you like coconut, try this!  


When we went to IPOT, it was our first time trying hot pot, and we loved it! Luckily we went with some of Nick’s friends so they were able to help us - all of the different options were very overwhelming! At our table, we each got to choose what kind of broth we wanted. They brought out a pot for each of us and turned on the burners which were built into the table. We ordered meats, vegetables, and lots of different kinds of tofu (my favorite was frozen tofu). They brought out everything raw (even the meat!) and you cook it yourself in your boiling broth. It was such a fun experience, and it was so delicious! 

La Taqueria

La Taqueria was the first place we found while researching SF that we knew we had to go. It’s in the beautiful Mission District, which was one of our favorite areas! It is super simple, relatively cheap, and had plenty of gluten free and vegetarian options. Nick had a chicken burrito and I had a super vegetarian taco. One taco was enough for me because we also shared a huge plate of guacamole, salsa, and chips! The line was way out the door and it was super hard to find a seat, which just shows how good it really is! 

Wholesome Bakery

On a whim we walked into Wholesome Bakery. We realized right away that everything was vegan, and when I asked her if anything was gluten free, she said everything was! It took me so long to decide what I wanted - I never have so many options! We decided on the carrot cake and walked down to the famous Alamo Square (where the Painted Ladies are!), sat on a bench, and shared the cake! It was perfect. 


Gott’s has locations all over San Francisco and the surrounding area. We actually went to one in St. Helena while up there for olive oil and wine tastings. I picked this place out because Nick loves old school diners. We loved the look of this place, but even more, we loved the food! They have great vegan burgers, and Nick enjoyed a milkshake with his meal. The one that we went to had only outdoor seating, which was fine, because it was such a beautiful day! I love when restaurants not only have good food but a fun atmosphere, too. 

Bare Knuckle Pizza

We stayed in Oakland, which is right outside of San Francisco. The first night we were there, we walked to Bare Knuckle Pizza. Nick got the David Mack and I got The Roman (substituted with vegan cheese and vegan sausage) on a gluten free crust. It was delicious! Honestly one of the best pizza places we’ve been to. We liked it so much we tried to go back for our last meal but it’s closed Sunday-Tuesday. Make this a priority to go to if you’re in the Oakland area! 

If you’re in the Oakland area, we also recommend checking out Chinatown. Nick wrote a post all about where to go and what to get. Check it out here.

- Jess